Naomi learns to roll onto her side

Dear Naomi,

I remember the first time I climbed a tree.  I really do.  I remember the feeling it gave me.  The feeling of freedom.  The feeling of accomplishment.  I used to imagine myself as some kind of hero.  A game I used to play was to see how far down the tree canopy I could go before having to climb back down.  I literally would stretch from one tree to the next until I could go no more.  Let's just say I could always go the farthest.  It was a baby step.  I realize that now.  It was one baby step of many that I have taken in my life.  All leading in one direction.  All building upon the last.  Minor leaps of faith.  I may not remember my days as an infant, but watching you take on these first few things, I can't help but feel so grateful to be watching you form your very first baby steps as well.  This video shows you learning to roll to your side for the very first time.  It's a building block - one that you will gather courage from and confidence to take on the next obstacle.  You're just a baby now, but seeing you go through these motions give me a sense of pride and proudness that I suppose only a father or mother could feel.  A feeling of knowing that my baby girl is growing up and ready to take on the world.  Thank you for letting me witness this.  And I will continue to do so, one step at a time Naomi.  One step at a time.



Lazing around after the dog park

Dear Naomi,

Anyone can relate to laying down in a nice shade, under a pretty tree on a sunny day.  What's even better than that is watching is having the whole little family together and spending an afternoon watching you do this as if it is one of your first times - literally.  The sky must be so high in your mind, and the trees so big.  It was a great day :)



Happy 3 Months!!!

Dear Naomi,

We've reached 3 months little one! The past month has probably been the most significant in terms of your growth and ability to communicate with us.  We were definitely treated to some big breakthroughs.  You are a little conversater when you are so inclined to do so.  You and I have exchanged a nice word or two.  You are getting stronger and more curious and are so close to rolling onto your belly by yourself.  Mama has been good about giving you a lot of tummy time which you are starting to be more and more comfortable with.  Although we get the occasional rough night of helping you sleep, we've really found a nice routine that you seem to really be responding too and appreciating.  Baths are more fun than ever and we've enjoyed taking you on our long walks and trips to the park with the pups.  And although I wasn't there to see it, Mama has now heard you laugh twice!  That's right Naomi!  Your first laugh.

It's been challenging and we have all learned so much about each other, but through those challenges I see our bonds strengthening into the little family tree that is us.  If there is something that we didn't expect to happen it's dealing with how hard it is to see you growing so fast.  It is truly remarkable, but a bit sad at times too, because each day that passes we get further away from the Naomi that was just a little smaller the day before.  Seeing everything happen so fast really makes us appreciate each day to the fullest with you and take this journey one day at a time.

Thank you for another great month Naomi. 



Pics with Papa


Dear Naomi,

Having a little fun with the camera in the nursery, Mama took some great pictures of us - and it shows one of my favorite ways to hold you.



Short but sweet visit from Grandma Alla

Dear Naomi,

Grandma Alla came down for a quick visit this past weekend and I can only imagine just how much you have changed to her since she last saw you.  We were really happy for Alla to see how much you grew in person. It was a great weekend full of good company, good conversation, and good food that your Papa made for everyone.  We even hung out on the kitchen floor with the pups after a tough time getting you to nap.  Your Grandma Alla had a chance to spend some quality time with you and see how much you are becoming your own little person.  I think her favorite is your sweet little coos and agoo sounds you love to make. Hearing you talk is the best. Thank Alla for making the trip to see us!



Naomi learns to love bath time

Dear Naomi,

I thought these were some really great moments that I've been wanting to put together into a video to share.  We're all getting better with bath times, as you seem to be enjoying it more and more, and we seem to have a better way of doing things now.  We also spent Memorial Day at the park picnicing with Olive and Q.  It was a great day.  You, my baby girl, had a great day :)

