The girls
Catching up on some posts.....Grandma Kat & Mike come to visit!
Dear girls,
Was nice to have Grandma Kat and Mike pay us a visit. We spent some much needed time at the beach and they couldn't get enough of you two. Can't wait for the next time we are all together.
Naomi's first day of Pre-School!
Dear Naomi,
And then she was a butterfly. So proud of you Sunshine. :)
Naomi growing up
Dear Naomi
I've been reading bedtime stories to youl since you were born. Last night, you said, "Papa, I want to read you a story." So you did. I'd be lying if the moment didn't cause me to shed a tear or two. You may not be able to read the words, but you narrated every single picture for me. You start pre-school in a couple of weeks and we were asked to send the school a picture of you for your cubby. When we asked you which one you would like to use, you chose this one. When I took this pic of you, Mama was asking you to make a face like when you think of Papa... The result was this sweet face.
Love Papa
Naomi & Great Grandma
She would gently feel her skin as if reading a book which shared all of her Great Grandmother's secrets.
A visit from Great Grandma
It makes me emotional. Seeing these three together. Separated by generations, two new lives taking form before my eyes which would not be possible without the life that has already been shaped by my Grandmother. It's such an amazing thing to think about how she has raised four sisters on her own - haven lost one tragically too soon. If only she knew the influence she's had on me to do my best to raise these two little woman in the making. After all, what a sweet lullaby to had been raised by woman, non stronger than she, and in turn, being given the chance to raise two of my own. I am overwhelmed with feelings seeing these three together.
Our first movie together!!
Today was such a great day. We finally got to live out one of my dreams of taking Naomi to see a movie. Dare I say she loved it as much as I did? I think it's safe to say we'll be repeat customers. And as if that wasn't enough, we got to enjoy the experience with Naomi's Great Grandmother whom you see in the background. She was asleep in minute