Thank you for the patience

Dear Naomi,

We've been a busy little family these past few weeks haven't we?  So much so, that Mama and Papa sometimes find it hard to catch up on all that life puts on our daily plate.  Even as dedicated as we are to our routine, we still find it a challenge to get everything to fall into place the way we would like it all the time.  Some days we look like seasoned professionals, covering every last detail with perfect precision, and other days we just run around crazy in every direction trying to keep things afloat.  But make no mistake Naomi, smooth day or not, they are all filled with laughter and love.  I just wanted to thank you for showing us so much patience when you see us running around trying to prepare your bath or warm your food or prep the nursery for night time.  On the days that are rougher than others, I always feel like you have a way of reminding us that as long as we are all together, the little details really don't matter.





Starting to crawl

Dear Naomi,

For the past few days you have shown so many signs that you are ready to make your move.  I mean that literally.  You most definitely can get from point A to point B, even if it's not in the most straight forward way - especially when we give you a goal.  Watching how determined you can be is part of the fun and you never seem to give up.  Your Mom and I agree that once you're walking, it will be a challenge just to keep up with you.  

Maybe it's the setting, with the sun heading into the horizon creating the warm glow through the trees, the sound of other families echoing through the park, and your mom handily encouraging you with her gentle touch, but watching these types of moments unfold are just magic to me.  Thank you again for a wonderful day.  



The First Taste


Dear Naomi,

I don't remember the first time I had my first spoon full of goodness.  I can imagine that it was something so new and exciting, and most definitely messy.  Yet, watching you experience food for the first time, watching a little human experience food for the first time, was one of the most amazing things we have done with you so far.  Mama prepared your meal with love and care, as you sat patiently.  The look of excitment that you had in your face was something we won't ever forget.  You practically knew exactly what to do when you saw the spoon.  Maybe that's because you have watched us so closely the past few months or maybe it's because you just instinctually knew exactly what to do.  Whatever the case, you loved avocados!  And we loved seeing you so happy and excited to have it.  It will be a lot of fun introducing you to all the different delicious and healthy foods that are in your future - and a little messy too :)

Thank you for letting us have this moment with you.  Mama and Papa love you.


Happy 6 Months Naomi!


Dear Naomi

We know that we will have so many milestones to experience and share.  In these early days, which are flying by way too quickly, we've seen you have so many firsts.  First smiles, first laughs, first swings.  First conversations, first walks, first rolls.  Pretty soon you will be crawling!  Before you know it you will be walking!  I can't even comprehend sometimes the joy I feel at thought of these days that are soon to come.  Each and every one is so special, but I look at today in it's own unique light.  It's special and unique because I want to not just celebrate all the many joys that encompass everything that you are, but I also want to celebrate that your Mom and I have fell into the role of being your parents not just with every ounce of our love, but also with every bit of intent to be the best possible parents we can be.  I am proud of us.  I am so very proud of you.  I am proud of this little unit we call home and that we call family.  Truth is, we have grown just as much as you have the past 6 months.  We shared in every moment with you....every single beautiful moment you have given us - and yes, every single tough moment too :).  But in the end, what touches me the most is seeing how we all have grown to be this little family.  And just as much as I like to think we have helped you succeed in your first 6 months of life, I can't help but feel like it was you who was really helping us, by bringing so much love and joy into our lives.  

Happy 6 months baby Naomi!  I can't wait to celebrate your first full year....actually, yes.  I can wait.  I just want everything to slow down so we can soak in every day with you just the way you are.  


Mama and Papa love you so much. 

Naomi's new chair


Dear Naomi,

It's been fun trying to keep you busy and stimulated, and part of our efforts has led us to find this fun little green chair that helps you sit upright and look at things in a whole new perspective.  And just a little disclaimer to all the folks who may be asking, "Is Naomi sitting on the kitchen counter with that thing?".  The answer is yes, but just for the pics and we were right there making sure she was okay :).  




The First Swings

Dear Naomi,

The air is usually saturated with the lush sound of the children playing, the trees whispering and the breeze rushing by.  The energy is young, as if discovering it's youth for the first time.  Children are lost in their imaginations as they dance through the playground structures.  You always pay close attention.  And we always pay close attention to you.  Your energy is the youngest of all.  Waiting patiently.  Waiting to spread your wings and get lost in your imagination.  Watching you take these first flights as you spread your imaginary wings only brings a warm smile to my face as I reminisce of days long past.  Days of my childhood.  And although you have just begun, you soar through the air like a natural, gracing us with your smile as it shines through the trees and the sun smiling right back at you.  Take flight baby Naomi.  I can't wait for you to show us all the places your imagination takes you.

