A little toddler

It's been a long while since I've posted a video.  I admit, it's hard playing catchup to a little person running around.  Seems overnight that Naomi decided to graduate from infant-hood and start toddler-hood.  Funny how Mama and I always say that a certain age is our favorite.  We both definitely say it now.  I mean, how could you resist seeing a little human start to express in such a way and how could you not get amazed by how they must see the world.  I guess the right thing to say is not that we have a favorite age so far - I guess the right thing to say is that Naomi growing, and every phase that comes with that, is our favorite.  Here's a small video with Naomi sharing some of her toddler-hood.


babushka & dedushka

Dear Naomi,

I love seeing how you've really begun to understand that family is love - and what a special kind of love it is when it's from Grandparents.



Grandma Kat and Mike come to town

One thing that is always nice about the Holiday's is being able to see family that you don't always get to see very often.  This Holiday is even more special because we play host for the first time in our new home.  Although I was humble in not mentioning it much, it was a very proud moment for me to have my Mother resting under a roof that belonged to me and my little family.  I truly hope her and Mike enjoyed us as much as we enjoyed them.  I only have a few pics to share since I left most the picture taking to Grandma Kat.  I'm sure I'll be receiving a disc full of pics soon in the mail :)

Hosting our very first dinner guests :)

Sitting in Papa's chair at work

Enjoying the DreamWorks campus

Taking advantage that Mike was around to snap a rare shot of the three of us

In front of the house by the Xmas lights

My sunshine

Dear Naomi,

This picture has literally become one of my favorite, if not the favorite, picture of you thus far.  To me it embodies so much of your character.  The very nature of a child fully embraced in wonder and curiosity just shines so bright from your eyes.  



21 Months!!! Here are some pics and moments from the past few weeks

Just some random pics and moments from the past few days and weeks as we celebrate Naomi hitting 21 months.

Here Naomi is mirroring some of our bedtime routine with the dolls. She reads books to them, dresses them, feeds them and tucks them in. It's so precious to watch her. 

I love this picture.  What a big girl she is now.  Only likes to brush her teeth by herself.

After watching all the big kids, she just couldn't resist.  It's now part of her playground routine

New park, new swings :)

My beautiful family enjoying the afternoon in the backyard

She discovered the flashlight.  Courtesy of Mike :)

She loves to wear Papa's beanie

My little sunshine.



Pumpkin patch 2013

This was Naomi's second official Halloween and visit to the pumpkin patch.  Great fun and great company with two of our favorite people, the McCrummen's.  Can't believe how much she's grown from last year's visit.

Naomi was very excited to see such huge pumpkins!