Is this heaven?
When I find myself looking back at moments I've captured with my camera, I get lost in just how beautiful these memories are. It's a strange range of emotions that rush through me watching these - everything from complete happiness to bits of sadness I can't explain. Maybe the sadness resonates because I don't want these memories to fade. I don't want these days and moments to leave me. I know the days ahead will be filled with wondrous chapters, but I find myself never wanting to see this little piece of heaven change. I just have to remind myself that this kind of change is beautiful. We get to witness life from the beginning all over again. We get to watch our little Naomi experience life. Now tell me, how is that not heaven?
A little nursery playtime fun
We make the time count. The long days of work really don't matter, because when we are both home together with you we make sure to spend each minute showing you how much we love you and marveling at you just being you. We are a family. Some days I only get those last bits of sunshine with you, others I get to enjoy you from the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to sleep. But I always make sure to be the first thing you see in the morning and one of the last things you see at night.
Rolling around
A Mother's love, a strong foundation
Dear Nadia,
Those of us who have seen the kind of Mother you are, know first hand just how loving and caring you are, and also all that you have put into educating yourself on all things babies. From learning about the pregnancy, to learning about how to best care for an infant and baby, no one can dispute all the effort you have put forth in giving our little Naomi the strongest foundation that she could possibly have. It's amazing for me to learn through you just how valuable and important so many things are to setting up your baby with the kind of environment, care and interaction she needs in order to help her develop in a very natural and tremendous way. I have not only seen Naomi make leaps and bounds in her daily growth, but I have also witnessed how her development has translated into such an amazing little person right before our eyes. Seeing how she has the kind of friendly structure that helps her have the nourishment and engagement that a baby needs just serves as another example of the amazing job you have done in raising this beautiful soul. Now I know there are many variables involved. I know that our little angel won't just be a product of what we do for her - I know that she has choices in this too :), but I also know that we are holding true to our promise. We are holding true to our conversations that we used to have while we daydreamed on a beach or discussed over a nice dinner and some wine. We are holding true to the idea that we always held strong in our heads of the type of people we can be some day. We are becoming the parents that we set out to be. Thank you for leading the way.
We are obsessed with this little one
A Welcoming Smile
There are times when I wish I had my camera in hand so that I can capture the beauty in front of me. Often times, I have to settle for the natural shutter that are my own eyes and store these images away in the album of life that is my memories. Yesterday was such a moment as I walked through the door as I arrived early from work. I found Nadia and Naomi sharing a moment in time together as they danced away in the nursery. They were one. They were together. They were perfect. By the time they noticed I was watching, I had just enough to keep with me forever what was a magical moment. Nadia turned to me and gave me a startled, but happy look, thrilled that I was home to share in the moment and Naomi turned her head and noticed Papa. The smile that Naomi offered me was something I will never forget. Her acknowledgement of me was so genuine and so loving. It was nothing short of the truth. It was everything to me at that moment, keeping me present, keeping me open. How did I find these two beautiful souls? Or should I be asking, how did these two beautiful souls find me? I guess all that matters is that we all found eachother.
Conversations with Naomi
It's a cognitive thing, as Nadia has taught me. Naomi is going through many different stages of development. One of my favorites is without a doubt when she decides to exercise her vocals. What's amazing about this is that she really is trying to have a conversation, or at the least, convey something to us in the best way that she can. It's not only precious, but can be very amusing to see her trying with all her might to tell us something. She can even put up a protest now if she doesn't quite like something. But there is also the little laughs and giggles of approval that she gives us.
Those are the best moments. I can't believe that one day these bits of chatter that Naomi offers us now will turn into flowing sentences. Man....watching her grow is something I can't really put into words. I find myself sometimes just marveling at her when she is nursing with Nadia or when I'm just watching her sleep. She really is this little bundle of life, dependant on us, learning from us, and trusting us. Words can't explain how much we love her.