Okay, okay. So some of you are probably wondering why there hasn't been many posts these days. Truth be told, it's has been crazy busy juggling work, home, baby, wife, dogs and a camera :). It's the best challenge ever, but hard to say the least. In the first year, baby Naomi was much less mobile and snapping shots or video of her was much simpler and easier to prepare for. Now, it's a whole different animal trying to chase around a toddler who can literally run from point A to point B in the blink of an eye with a camera in my hand. I am definitely still capturing some great moments on camera, but I think I may share them a little more sporadically on the blog since my free time is a little more sparse. But please still visit regularly since you never know when I may have something new to share.
A quick recap from the past few weeks...
- The biggest and greatest news, which will receive it's own post, Mama is home now!
- Baby Naomi speaks on the regular! Her vocabulary? "Mama", "Papa", "daw" (for doggies), "bah-bah" (pretty much to everything), "bye-bye", and "mailman".
- Baby Naomi started doing sign language. She knows how to ask for milk and tell us when she's done.
- Morning strolls now consist of visiting the park and playing fetch with Olive and Mr. Q and when we have time we squeeze in a swing too.
- Naomi's favorite things to eat these days? Blackberries, strawberries, avocados and cheese, and she get's excited to make toast even though she doesn't eat it afterwards.
- A few bumpy nights from both Naomi being sick and going through some major teething. Always interesting and never fun.
- Naomi likes to feed the dogs anything and everything. In return, the dogs absolutely love her!!
- Mama and Papa had a date night for Mama's birthday recently. Burgers, Beer, and Bowling!
- Papa loves his family more and more each day.