Happy 1st Birthday Mila!

Dear Mila,

Today when you wake up, you will have completed your first trip around the sun. One full year of your life. A year full of a lot of laughter, a lot of growth - for all of us as a little family. You caught on quick, knowing exactly where your safe place is. You love your big sister, play with the dogs, and there is no place you’d rather be than in Mama’s arms. You skipped sippy cups and pacifiers and went straight for solid foods instead of that pureed stuff. You love to participate - in everything! You smile with your whole body and when you are excited to see me come home from work, you charge straight for me and then rest your head on my lap. Your legs are getting stronger underneath you, and before you know it, you’ll be soaring. You have a strong will Mila, and an even stronger heart. You look up to Naomi so much - and Naomi has been such an amazing big sister to you. Watching the two of you bond has been nothing short of miraculous. Naomi may hold that special light of having started this family, but you hold that special light of having completed it. Happy Birthday Mila….my little moon.

love Papa

Halloween 2015!

Catching up on some posts.....Grandma Kat & Mike come to visit!

Dear girls,

Was nice to have Grandma Kat and Mike pay us a visit.  We spent some much needed time at the beach and they couldn't get enough of you two.  Can't wait for the next time we are all together.



Naomi growing up

Dear Naomi

I've been reading bedtime stories to youl since you were born. Last night, you said, "Papa, I want to read you a story." So you did. I'd be lying if the moment didn't cause me to shed a tear or two. You may not be able to read the words, but you narrated every single picture for me. You start pre-school in a couple of weeks and we were asked to send the school a picture of you for your cubby. When we asked you which one you would like to use, you chose this one. When I took this pic of you, Mama was asking you to make a face like when you think of Papa... The result was this sweet face.

Love Papa