30 weeks!


Dear Baby,

It's been a while since I've posted, but not for lack of interest :).  Truth is I've been so busy with all things that trying to keep up with posting sometimes has to take a back seat.  I can promise you that much more is on the horizon in the form of writing, pictures and videos, but for now I offer these wonderful pictures of your Mom at 29 weeks. 

Time has been flying so fast that it is crazy to think that we are already in our third trimester!  Your Mom is as beautiful as ever.  In fact, I don't think I've ever seen her so radiant and glowing.  What a remarkable sight this is to behold.



Kicks, kicks and more kicks!

Dear Baby,

You kick now!  And not only do we notice, but your furry siblings Olive and Q do as well :).  This morning as we were all laying in bed for a lazy Sunday morning, Olive was nice and snug right between your Mom and I with her head resting against your Mom's stomach.  You began kicking and moving around enough so that Olive became quite aware that you were awake and moving around. You must of really poked at her good because she became moody and moved away because she couldn't rest with you kicking about.  It was pretty precious.



I'm already so proud of you

Dear Baby,

Today we had our 20 week ultrasound (even if really we are at 21 weeks).  The doctor said that you move with a purpose.  That you are perfect and beautiful even if I don't need a doctor to tell me what we already know.  You were a little shy today and not afraid to show it, but you weren't too shy to let us see your feet for the first time.  Watching your heart beat was like watching a miracle.  It seems like every day you become more real in our lives.  



It's a ____!

Dear Wife,

Life is a series of events.  Events that trap us with wonder and amazement, allowing us to cry and to laugh.  If we are lucky, we spend these precious few moments with the people that we love and let the memory live forever.  Thank you for giving me so many of these moments to cherish.



Boy or Girl?

Today we visited the doctor for a routine check-up and ultrasound, and we were also treated to the answer to the big 'boy' or 'girl' question.  But!........we told the Doctor not to tell us.  Why?  Because we have a much funner way to reveal you than just being told.  We had the Doc write down on a small piece of paper the answer and place it in an envelop.  The next step is to take that sealed envelop to our favorite baker, where they alone will open the envelop and bake us a very special cake.  The cake will be covered in yummy white frosting and filled with strawberries for a girl, or blueberries for a boy.  When we cut into it, we will find out!  We plan on sharing the experience with all of our friends and family with a nice little video that I will prepare soon after to reveal to the world if we will be the proud parents of a beautiful little girl, or a handsome little boy.

The potential crib

Dear Baby,

With so many decisions to make and the nesting planning well underway, I wanted to share with you what could potentially be your cozy little bed when we bring you home.   We have big plans for your nursery!



We can see you!

Dear Baby,

I'm posting this a little late, but during our last doctor's visit, we saw an ultra sound and for the first time saw the shape of your body.  I swear if we were to look close enough we could almost make out all your little features.  The video is kind of long, but we figured it would give everyone a chance to see you the best they could.

