It's moments like these.

It's moments like these that fill my day.  Moments that warm my soul and nourish my life with so much love and joy.  To my wife and our precious baby Naomi, it may seem as though I am just having more fun with the camera as I sit in front of them focused on their every move, but what I wish they could feel is how I am in constant amazing of their being all in it's self.  The beauty which I see when I look at them living, glowing beautifully in the warm sun - it's as though I am witnessing the embodiment of life itself.  I am humbled with every breath that I take knowing that I have both of them in my life.  It's moments like these....moments like these that fill my day.


Happy Thanksgiving!

What am I thankful for?

When you really put that question into context, I can't help but think about all the people in the world that are less fortunate, that are alone, and that find themselves in a circumstance where safety and freedom are seldom felt and where love and happiness seems to be only seen in dreams.  I am so very thankful for the love that I am surrounded by.  I am thankful for my family, close and abroad for the history that they have given me.  I am thankful to my Grandmother and Mother whom raised me in the hardest of circumstances, providing me with the strength and courage I have today.  I am thankful for the love and support of my new family and all that they have taught me.  I am thankful to all the wonderful people that I am surrounded by everyday.  Most importantly, I am thankful for the woman that is my wife and soulmate, and the beautiful daughter that she has given me.  My love for them is surpassed with each and every day that passes.  And lastly, I am so thankful for the running water that I have to bath our little Naomi with, the warmth and shelter that I am able to place her under, the food that I am able to nourish her with, and the hopes and dreams that I know tomorrow will bring her.  

Alameda - Naomi visits for 1st time

In the spirit of celebrating Grandma Alla's birthday, we visited Alameda for the very first time with little Naomi.  Strange to think that we literally haven't been back here for over a year.  Even stranger to realize that as a pair, Nadia and I have actually been living in Los Angeles longer now than we had in Alameda.  That's just crazy talk, but true.  

Now it was time to finally brave the short travel from the warm never ending sunshine of southern California for the crisp air of the Bay Area, but this time, we were traveling with our precious baby girl to the place where her parents met and fell in love.  So many memories, so many stories.  Being back brings back thoughts of the days of school in the city, working as waiters and bartenters and hitting the gym together.  And as I found myself thinking about those days, and how much our future's were shaped by our time here together, I can't help but feel like we were saying hello to an old friend, not for the last time of course, but definitely it felt like a kind of passing of the torch.  It felt like we were visiting what used to be home, only now it's place has been taken by Los Angeles.  Not because we like it more, but because Los Angeles is where we have rooted ourselves with our own story to tell.  We have planted our own tree and have begun to grow our branches bearing whatever fruit we have to share with the world.  Los Angeles is the birth place of Naomi.  Our first born.  It's also the place we got married.  Call me sentimental if you will, but It's safe to say that Los Angeles is our home now.  

So being back in Alameda, seeing our dear family and celebrating Alla's birthday and Naomi's sort-of home coming was definitely like seeing an old friend who has been dearly missed.  We love the Bay Area, not just for the fact that our families are there, but also because of the foundation it gave to our relationship.  

This trip was all about joy and surprise - Joy in knowing we would all have a weekend together to be like we once were, and giving Naomi the opportunity to witness this - Surprise because we completely surprised my Grandmother by not telling her we would be in town and surprising her at the Shipovsky home.  It was also joyous because introduced Naomi to her Great Uncle....the one and only Toshka.  A moment Nadia and I have been waiting for, for a long time.  

Now that the weekend has come and gone, we bid farewell to celebrating another successful trip around the sun for Alla and saying hello to an old friend.  Thanks for the hospitality Alameda.


Naomi at the park

I wish I could stop time.  I am reminded everyday of just how lucky I am to be a husband and father to both Nadia and Naomi.  It's not hard for me to conclude that I may quite literally be living the happiest days of my life.  That sentiment resonates in me like a beautiful song looping overhead as I play out my days loving this little family.  It's almost perfect.  It is perfect.  Perfect to me.  Every moment.  I just want things to slow down.  I love watching Naomi grow and blossom into this amazing life that she has so naturally and happily embraced, but I selfishly just want her to be like this forever.  I want these days to remain like this forever.  I know that won't happen and I know that each season that comes and goes will bring with them new memories of Naomi's life and of Nadia's life and of my life.  There is a warm comfort in knowing that all those memories will be formed together.  So even if I can't stop time from passing so quickly, I will cherish each and every moment.  Every step Naomi takes, every warm smile my wife sends me, every visit to the park and to the beach, every morning stroll with Naomi and the dogs, every thing that now has to offer.

Naomi's first flight

The luggage:  1 large suitcase, 1 very full diaper bag, 1 camera bag, boppy pillow, stroller, car seat, play pen, 1 garment bag, and 1 baby Naomi.

So we braved our first travels with Naomi.  A journey that took clear across the country to a place we've never been before - Philadelphia.  More than 5 hours in the air each way, that proved to be a grand challenge, but an exciting one at that.  We did our best to entertain Naomi on the plane.  Getting her to nap was almost impossible, and changing a diaper in a bathroom that you can barely move in is a whole other topic.  But all that aside, these memories will stay with me in the most possitive of ways because we were together, traveling for the very first time as a little family.   

Our lovely neighbors and friends Cory and Emily were our reason for this trip.  We were there to share in witnessing them becoming husband and wife.  I was honored to serve as one of the Groom's men for Cory.  It was a joyous and beautiful occasion whom we not only feel so fortunate to have been there, but to have been there with our little Naomi.  Traveling with a baby (at the time 6 and a half month old baby) presents every type of excercise in patience for a parent that you are probably imagining.  How did Naomi do?  To be honest, she did a lot better than her parents.  She was every bit the champ that we could of hoped for during our quick weekend excursion, but it wasn't absent of bumps.  We knew that naps would be a challenge and the usual activities that Naomi is so used to doing at home.  After all, we had no swing to put her to sleep in, no rooms that she is used to like her nursery, and ultimately every routine que that we offer her on a daily basis had to be some how reimagined in the best way we could provide for 3 days.  I can say that it was definitely a team effort for all three of us :).  I couldn't be more proud of how she soaked in the new environment just as we did.  

Philly is a beautiful city.  Rich in history.  We spent our one free day roaming the downtown scene, and visiting the landmarks.  We even ran up and down the stairs that 'Rocky' himself ran up in the movie Rocky.  As much fun as the trip was, I think it's safe to say we'll reserve any future long trips for when Naomi is a little older.   And who knows, we may even bring Olive and Q along next time......just kidding.


Thank you for the patience

Dear Naomi,

We've been a busy little family these past few weeks haven't we?  So much so, that Mama and Papa sometimes find it hard to catch up on all that life puts on our daily plate.  Even as dedicated as we are to our routine, we still find it a challenge to get everything to fall into place the way we would like it all the time.  Some days we look like seasoned professionals, covering every last detail with perfect precision, and other days we just run around crazy in every direction trying to keep things afloat.  But make no mistake Naomi, smooth day or not, they are all filled with laughter and love.  I just wanted to thank you for showing us so much patience when you see us running around trying to prepare your bath or warm your food or prep the nursery for night time.  On the days that are rougher than others, I always feel like you have a way of reminding us that as long as we are all together, the little details really don't matter.

