Meet Luna and Bunny

Meet Luna and Bunny... Naomi's best friends.  

Ironically enough, Nadia also had a very special friend when she was a child that happened to be a bunny as well.  We actually have her resting in the nursery watching over Naomi's library.  So in keeping with the tradition, we were lucky enough to find this Bunny, along with Luna.  Two peas in a pod and best buds.


"A portrait of Naomi, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Stillness in motion.  There seems to be no better calm for her than in her mothers embrace.

So Nadia came across a really great blog, Che and Fidel, which is a lovely and inspiring blog created by a very talented woman and mother of two, named Jodi.  She started a project which last year she kindly opened to her readers to join in if they desired to do so.  The project is called '52, a portrait a week'.  Here is a link to this year's week 1 submissions. Nadia thought it would be great to include portraits of our baby Naomi which got me very excited.  Upon reading Jodi's blog I immediately darted for the computer to find an image taken in the first week of the year to represent a portrait for Naomi, followed by a photo of her for the second week.  The first week's submissions are closed, but I'll post this one for us to enjoy.  I absolutely love this idea and found it truly inspiring to see so many other loving parents that have created so many amazing blogs for their children.  Makes me feel even prouder to know that we haven't skipped a beat for Naomi and that she will have such a special archive of her life.  I am also excited at the prospect of being able to push my photography further and hopefully capture some amazing shots of Naomi in the process. 

facetime with grandpa

Dear Naomi,

What a world we live in - when a little face to face can happen from many miles away with the ones we love.  I can't even begin to imagine what ways your generation will have to communicate with one another.  From the look of it, I think both you and Grandpa enjoyed this time very much :)



happy 10 Months!

Dear Naomi,

You are officially out of single digit months.  It's a tremendously happy moment for us, but also a bit sad to see how fast everything is moving.  Our little baby is almost no more, as it seems everyday that you become more and more this wonderful little girl that is running wild with her imagination.  And although every stage of this journey is cherished by us, we also can't help but feel sad to see the days of yesterday pass us.  Our memories are already filled with so many magical days from the past 10 months.

Month 10 has been quite the landmark.  You are on the brink of walking!  The excitement that you show when you are bracing yourself to step forward on your own is beyond inspiring.  To be more exact, it melts our hearts with so much love for you.  You even now say 'Mama' and 'Papa'.  Sometimes it might be more of an exercise in your vocals, but I swear sometimes you are calling for us with those exact words.  

To celebrate your 10 months we decided to take you to the zoo for the very first time where you also had your first carousel ride.  It's never too early to have you experience the beauty of all life and it's different shapes and sizes and even though we wish we were visiting all these animals in the wild, we are thankful that they are here for us to learn more about them.  I think it's safe to say you made a couple of furry friends today.  We don't know what the next couple months have in store for us, but we will soak in every shining moment that you have to offer us.  Even though you are coasting into toddlerhood, for the moment you are still our baby Naomi.

