In our deepest hopes and dreams, we never dreamed of the possibilities a second little girl would offer to our lives - and even more importantly, to Naomi's. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly find any more love to give from my heart.....these two happen.
such a kid :)
Singing Happy Birthday to Naomi!
Disneyland with Deda for Naomi's 3 years!
Pure joy
A visit from grandma kat
2 & 3 Months have come and gone!
Dear Mila,
It's as if I blinked and now you are just over 3 months old. The days are going by way to fast, and keeping up with everything I need to is becoming extremely challenging. Yet in all this, seeing you happy, healthy and being loved is all that I care about. You are so much like Naomi when she was a baby your age, yet so different. Thank you for such wonderful smiles, such patience, and for going with our flow. You are truly special.
The 2 month shoot!
The 3 month shoot!