First steps in the ocean

Dear Naomi,

This is one particular moment I have very much been anticipating.  I've longed to see you experience the ocean and the beach so that you can start creating your own memories of how beautiful and special a place it is.  I myself have so many fond memories of the ocean and being at the beach from a very young age from when my family used to take me and I can even remember as far back as 2-3 years of age sitting and playing in the sand.  As crazy as that sounds it's true.  Maybe that just speaks more to how amazing that first impression was for me when I first saw the ocean.  Your Mom and I have also created so many beautiful memories through the years which have made the ocean a very special place for us as well.  It's a place where dreams are born, and memories met.  It's a place of groundness and meditation to calm the soul, and a place of inspiration to soar into the many depths that dreams and creativity reveal themselves.  And just seeing in how you gazed into the horizon with wonder and braved taking your very first steps into an unknown, I know that this was just the beginning of many great memories and a start of your very own relationship with the sea. 




naomi standing from Charles Ellison on Vimeo.


Dear Naomi,

It seems like yesterday that you were born Naomi.  Seeing how far you have come in such a short time, all I can really say is just how proud of you I am.  You are so full of life and light and because of that, you bring so much life and light into our lives.  With each day, we learn more about your personality.  We learn how determined of a soul you really are.  You never hesitate, you never express doubt.  You share an undeniable quest to experience all the wonderful things that this life has to offer us.  You are brave, and you are strong and even in you little failures, you endure and continue on with that beautiful smile.  You are now helping yourself stand on your own.  You do so almost effortlessly.  Watching you and all your little miracles is the most inspriring and moving thing that I have ever experienced.  Mama and I love you so much Naomi. 



Starting to crawl

Dear Naomi,

For the past few days you have shown so many signs that you are ready to make your move.  I mean that literally.  You most definitely can get from point A to point B, even if it's not in the most straight forward way - especially when we give you a goal.  Watching how determined you can be is part of the fun and you never seem to give up.  Your Mom and I agree that once you're walking, it will be a challenge just to keep up with you.  

Maybe it's the setting, with the sun heading into the horizon creating the warm glow through the trees, the sound of other families echoing through the park, and your mom handily encouraging you with her gentle touch, but watching these types of moments unfold are just magic to me.  Thank you again for a wonderful day.  



The First Taste


Dear Naomi,

I don't remember the first time I had my first spoon full of goodness.  I can imagine that it was something so new and exciting, and most definitely messy.  Yet, watching you experience food for the first time, watching a little human experience food for the first time, was one of the most amazing things we have done with you so far.  Mama prepared your meal with love and care, as you sat patiently.  The look of excitment that you had in your face was something we won't ever forget.  You practically knew exactly what to do when you saw the spoon.  Maybe that's because you have watched us so closely the past few months or maybe it's because you just instinctually knew exactly what to do.  Whatever the case, you loved avocados!  And we loved seeing you so happy and excited to have it.  It will be a lot of fun introducing you to all the different delicious and healthy foods that are in your future - and a little messy too :)

Thank you for letting us have this moment with you.  Mama and Papa love you.


The First Swings

Dear Naomi,

The air is usually saturated with the lush sound of the children playing, the trees whispering and the breeze rushing by.  The energy is young, as if discovering it's youth for the first time.  Children are lost in their imaginations as they dance through the playground structures.  You always pay close attention.  And we always pay close attention to you.  Your energy is the youngest of all.  Waiting patiently.  Waiting to spread your wings and get lost in your imagination.  Watching you take these first flights as you spread your imaginary wings only brings a warm smile to my face as I reminisce of days long past.  Days of my childhood.  And although you have just begun, you soar through the air like a natural, gracing us with your smile as it shines through the trees and the sun smiling right back at you.  Take flight baby Naomi.  I can't wait for you to show us all the places your imagination takes you.

