Dear Naomi,
This is one particular moment I have very much been anticipating. I've longed to see you experience the ocean and the beach so that you can start creating your own memories of how beautiful and special a place it is. I myself have so many fond memories of the ocean and being at the beach from a very young age from when my family used to take me and I can even remember as far back as 2-3 years of age sitting and playing in the sand. As crazy as that sounds it's true. Maybe that just speaks more to how amazing that first impression was for me when I first saw the ocean. Your Mom and I have also created so many beautiful memories through the years which have made the ocean a very special place for us as well. It's a place where dreams are born, and memories met. It's a place of groundness and meditation to calm the soul, and a place of inspiration to soar into the many depths that dreams and creativity reveal themselves. And just seeing in how you gazed into the horizon with wonder and braved taking your very first steps into an unknown, I know that this was just the beginning of many great memories and a start of your very own relationship with the sea.