I wish I could stop time. I am reminded everyday of just how lucky I am to be a husband and father to both Nadia and Naomi. It's not hard for me to conclude that I may quite literally be living the happiest days of my life. That sentiment resonates in me like a beautiful song looping overhead as I play out my days loving this little family. It's almost perfect. It is perfect. Perfect to me. Every moment. I just want things to slow down. I love watching Naomi grow and blossom into this amazing life that she has so naturally and happily embraced, but I selfishly just want her to be like this forever. I want these days to remain like this forever. I know that won't happen and I know that each season that comes and goes will bring with them new memories of Naomi's life and of Nadia's life and of my life. There is a warm comfort in knowing that all those memories will be formed together. So even if I can't stop time from passing so quickly, I will cherish each and every moment. Every step Naomi takes, every warm smile my wife sends me, every visit to the park and to the beach, every morning stroll with Naomi and the dogs, every thing that now has to offer.