18 Months!

So as evidence that life has been busy the past few months, I haven't been able to publish many posts these days.  It's definitely not from a lack of happening.  If anything, too much is going on!  And in the midst of so many life changing decisions that our little family is currently experiencing, our little Naomi is all of a sudden turning 18 months today!  I mean, this girl was literally getting comfortable with taking steps just a minute ago,  now she is practically walking the dogs herself.  It's bitter sweet watching her grow up so fast.  And as she continues to discover her own voice and strength, it's such a rewarding and comforting feeling to know that every time she shares happiness or frustration, she is potentially sharing something with the two people she trusts most for the very first time.  That's such a magical thing to me.  Each and every time that she want's to explore a fallen leaf, or pile of rocks, such simple things, I remind myself to witness this not through my eyes, but through hers.  What a world she must see.  I could never explain just how much I love her.  Happy 18 months in this world little Naomi.  

