Happy 11 Months!

Dear Naomi,

I can't believe that in 1 months time, we will celebrating your first trip around the sun.  The past eleven months have given me joy beyond what I can fully explain.  You Naomi, have been a constant joy in all of our lives.  There is so much I want to say.  Being your Papa has been the most humbling and rewarding act that I have ever experience in my life.  Humbling because you have just when I thought I knew how strong love can be, by the love I feel for your Mom, you have proven to me that there is no limit to how powerful an emotion love truly is.  I have never loved your Mom more than I do now, and I was not prepared for just how transcending my love for you would be.  Thank you baby Naomi for giving me such a precious gift.  Thank you for reminding me every day of what really matters in life.  Happy 11 months Naomi.  

