"A portrait of Naomi, once a week, every week, in 2013"
I imagine she feels like she's flying. I imagine her imagination running wild. She's loves to swing. It's like watching pure joy in motion.
"A portrait of Naomi, once a week, every week, in 2013"
I imagine she feels like she's flying. I imagine her imagination running wild. She's loves to swing. It's like watching pure joy in motion.
Dear Naomi,
I can't believe that in 1 months time, we will celebrating your first trip around the sun. The past eleven months have given me joy beyond what I can fully explain. You Naomi, have been a constant joy in all of our lives. There is so much I want to say. Being your Papa has been the most humbling and rewarding act that I have ever experience in my life. Humbling because you have just when I thought I knew how strong love can be, by the love I feel for your Mom, you have proven to me that there is no limit to how powerful an emotion love truly is. I have never loved your Mom more than I do now, and I was not prepared for just how transcending my love for you would be. Thank you baby Naomi for giving me such a precious gift. Thank you for reminding me every day of what really matters in life. Happy 11 months Naomi.
Life has been pretty busy these days. So much so that I feel like I just haven't been able to keep up with all that I want to post on the blog. But many things are in the works. With Naomi's 1 year birthday close on the horizon, I have a few things planned that I am excited to share.
To quickly share some of the happenings from the past month, Naomi has pretty much become a little kid right before our eyes. Granted she's not even eleven months yet, but she definitely expresses herself the way an older kid would, full of confidence and ready to explore every nook and corner where ever we are. She's learned how to use the potty, albeit not to the point of ridding away with diapers, but she definitely knows what it's for. She is on the brink of walking! She stands strong on her own, and if encouraged, can form about 3 steps on her own before she plops down or just stands put. I really hope the day that she plans on taking that first walk, that I am at the ready with the camera :). She's grown quite the appetite and has graduated to much more hearty meals. Looks like the days of homemade purees are in the past. Teething has been a challenge, but both her top two and bottom two are now showing, along with a couple others. To be honest it's all been so overwhelming how quickly things are developing with her, but in the most amazing and wonderful of ways. Our baby Naomi is becoming her own with each passing day. What an amazing little soul we have here.
"A portrait of Naomi, once a week, every week, in 2013"
It's become our little morning tradition. The morning strolls. She loves to wave at passer-by's and especially loves looking up at the tall trees. The garbage trucks kindly offer her a honk with their horns and she says hello. There something about the morning air that calms her. There is no better way to start the day than with a walk with her.
"A portrait of Naomi, once a week, every week, in 2013"
She loves to stand at the edge of the bath as I fill her tub. She watches while I toss her little toys one by one into the rising water, anxiously anticipating her plunge into her last adventures of the day. It's the wind-down before bedtime. She splashes about, as I watch her get lost in imagination. It's my favorite part of the day.